Green General Time-Sharing Schedule B-5: Preschool (Ages 4-5)
Click here to download the Green General Time-Sharing Schedule B-5 Calendar.
description of schedule
Week 1 (and alternating weeks thereafter): Parent A will have physical custody of the child(ren) for three days (Session A), then Parent B will have physical custody of the child(ren) for one overnight weekday session, and then Parent A will have physical custody of the child(ren) for three days (Session B).
Week 2 (and alternating weeks thereafter): Parent B will have physical custody of the child(ren) for three days, then Parent A will have physical custody of the child(ren) for one overnight weekday session (Session C), and then Parent B will have physical custody of the child(ren) for three days.
This schedule provides for each parent to have the same amount of time with the child(ren) in a two-week period.
NOTE: The sample calendar and description include suggested days and times, but these days and times and any bracketed information can be adjusted to fit an individual family’s needs. See Customizing Your General Time-Sharing Schedule for more information.
- The child(ren) have regular contact with each parent.
- The child(ren) see each parent every week.
- Each parent gets several full weekends with the child(ren) during the month.
- There is sufficient time for activities to promote parent-child bonding.
- Every other week, the child(ren) will not see one parent for several days.
- Parents need to agree about arrangements for the child(ren)’s extra-curricular activities, especially if the extra-curricular activities take place during the weekend.
- Transitioning to one parent’s house after being with the other parent for a full week may be difficult for some child(ren).
- Parents must communicate frequently and well when child(ren) transition from one house to the other weekly or multiple times during the week.